Are you thinking about outsourcing? THINK AGAIN!

The cost of hiring in office skilled team members is skyrocketing and it has caused many businesses to start to look for other solutions such as outsourcing. THINK AGAIN!

Not all companies are created equal, and it is important to do your research before you pull the trigger on a disappointing experience with an underwhelming partner.

Think about the impact using remote team members will have on your team and your patients. 

Will this remote team member represent your brand in a positive light? Will your patients be able to clearly understand them on the phone? Will the RED CARPET be rolled out or will this be JUST a JOB to your remote team? Talent can be found everywhere, you just need to find the right talent for your patients and team so find a company that allows YOU to select who works with your office.

Think about your mission and vision. 

Will outsourcing get you closer or further away from your mission and vision for your practice. Always utilize your mission and vision to act as a compass to guide you to the right decisions. When you find yourself drifting away from the initial goals, it is time to reconsider your choices for partnering with your business.

Think about your cost savings. 

Think about all the things your current team members could be doing but they don’t currently have time to complete. A remote team member is a far more cost effective option for keeping your roster full. Many states have different employment laws for offices who employ more than 50 team members. With remote team members you shouldn’t be paying unemployment, benefits, or taxes.

Think about how much it is costing for the remote team members. 

It isn’t all about the cost of the services. There are hundreds of outsourcing companies, and you will always be able to find a company that costs less than your current company but make sure you compare apples to apples. Hidden charges can be lurking around every corner. Consider a company that charges a flat fee for the tasks you are requesting.

Think about what you need.

Are you wanting a service or are you wanting someone that can act as an extension of your practice? Service providers can quote you a fee for one particular task such as insurance verifications but they might fail to mention additional fees for extra codes or urgent verifications. Some services can be completed adequately for your office by using AI – it just depends on if your patient base is insurance dependent. Someone who is a remote team member, and not acting as a service, will do things the way you want them done by using your forms and systems.

Think about security!

Verify that any company that you have that is working remotely has the right security measures in place. They should have a reputable company such as Black Talon who monitors and secures connections.

Speaking of security, when a team member works from home, without any supervision, things have been known to happen! Your outsourcing company should have a state-of-the-art facility for all team members so monitoring and mentorship is available. Have you ever been on a call with someone from another country and heard outside noises? Call quality and internet connection are essential for a successful partnership.

Think about your commitment.

Long term contracts are for companies that need to trap you into their services regardless of the productivity. Look for a company that cares about your team member’s performance and allows an easy exit strategy. You will want weekly or monthly KPI reports to track the progress. Don’t forget to ask what the retention rate is for their clients and their team members!

Think about how to use your outsourcing.

Are they able to cover for a team member who calls in sick? Can they call patients when they find out their insurance has been terminated? In their downtime, can they be updating your social media or calling past due recare patients? What about booking your travel to your next CE event? How does one company outweigh another? How many team members will you need to accomplish your goals? All valid points to consider when investing in outsourcing talent.

You want to outsource? Think again about your WHY. Think about your HOW. Think about your WHEN. Remember, the longer you wait the more money you are losing.

Need additional information about OUTSOURCING? Schedule a call with me to learn more about the Do’s and Don’ts to make outsourcing successful!